- Ha Jin’s speech
Thank you. I am deeply honored to accept this award. I'd like to thank Bucheon city, Mr. Mayer, award committee, all the judges, and also my friend and translator of this book, Eun-Chul Wang whose efforts made this book available to Korean readers. I'd also say two things about how meaningful this award is to me. First, the book was written and published 14 years ago. But then all of a sudden I heard a great news that an award is given to the book. That implies the book still has youthful energy, so I am proud of that. Second, I really loved the award of diaspora in this award. In the sense, in fact, in essence most of us are all diasporic people. In fact, award of diaspora speaks to human condition. Because our hometowns, home-villages, home-cities in a sense are not our home, those are parents' or grandparents' home. As individuals, most of us will have to go elsewhere to look for our own homes and build our homes. In that sense, we are all people of diaspora. So in that sense, the award is very meaningful to me. I am very grateful and proud to be the first recipient of this great award. Thank you very much. Thank you.
- Wang Eun-chull’s speech
프랑스 철학자 폴 리쾨르는 번역을 ‘환대’라고 정의했습니다. 그런데 그 환대가 묘한 것이, 한편으로는 원저자를 섬기는 것이고, 또 한편으로는 우리 독자를 섬기는 것이어서, 두 주인을 섬기는 환대 행위다. 그런데 두 주인을 섬길 수 있습니까? 둘을 다 만족시키기는 어렵습니다. 그래서 리쾨르는 번역을 ‘환대’이면서 두 주인을 만족시킬 수 없다는 의미에서 ‘애도 작업’이라고 했습니다. 제가 얼마나 원 저자에 충실했는지, 또 얼마나 우리 모국어로 영어를 수용하는 데 역할을 했는지 모르겠지만 큰 상을 주셔서 감사합니다.
The French philosopher Paul Ricœur once defined translation as an act of hospitality. But the ambiguous thing about that hospitality is that it means serving the original author on the one hand and the reader on the other. Hospitality must be provided to two guests. But is it possible to serve two guests? It’s unlikely that both of them will be satisfied. So Ricœur said that translation is not only an act of hospitality but also the work of mourning, in the sense that both guests cannot be satisfied. I’m not sure how faithful I was to the original author or how well I performed my role of accommodating his English in my mother tongue, but I’m grateful for receiving such a major prize. Thank you.